Feriele d’Alfabia
Feriele was the first born of my sweet Zakiyya’s second litter.
Her beginning of live have been so difficult, she is born with a very good weight of 485 gr
But she was not growing; she was getting thinner and was not drinking well.
She was pushing away form her mother by her 7 brothers and sisters.
Without her will of live and the help of the veterinary she sure will not survive.
I have taken a lot of care of her given her puppy milk with a syringe, she received vitamins and during few long days I was looking that she can take the best teats of Zakiyya.
At that moment, I have made a promise that she is surviving, she will never leaved the house.
And today, she is still there full of live, with a strong head and a very good appetite.
With all her little trouble, she is very close to me and links very hardly bind us the one to the other one.
In one word I’m crazy of my little Feriele
She is quite in the house, but in the garden, it’s something else, she digging enormous holes, lifts plants, flowers, broken the three’s branches. She is real novice gardener with green teeth.
Feriele is growing in a very nice young lady.
She have made her beginning on show ring with succes, she is young Luxembourg and Netherlands Champion, she has also 5 CAC and 5 CACIB
My little treasure, you left me for the Salukis's paradise on February 18th 2009, I have in the heart an immense looses
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